Jason Breach
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
5:00 - 9:00
If a box is round rather than square, is it still a box? If it is neither round nor square, then what do we call it?! Jason Breach’s work certainly pushes our boundaries of what a box is and how to go about making one... or opening one for that matter. Jason lives in Devon England - the same town where he was born. However, he has been invited all over the world to share his talent, particularly his gift for designing and creating exquisite wood turned boxes. He has demonstrated at the Utah Woodturning Symposium, The American Association of Woodturners National Symposium, and Turnfest, the Australian Woodturning Symposium - just to name a few. You may have also seen him in a number of woodturning publications - including on the back cover of the AAW Journal. In this demonstration, he will show us the techniques he uses to make a simple box, and then show one of his pagoda boxes. He will also demonstrate his method for making spheres - both large and small - and how this can be used to make a clock face. For more information about Jason, visit his website at www.jasonbreach.co.uk. This demonstration will be held at Ashley Harwood’s studio - space is limited.
cost: $25
to register, email ashleyharwood@gmail.com
Jason Breach and Ashley Harwood at Turnfest 2014